If you are considering enrolling in ChiroHealthUSA, then you are among a growing number of people who have discovered why we are one of the best solutions to keeping health care affordable if you are uninsured, under-insured, or have limitations or non-covered services in your health plan. ChiroHealthUSA allows our providers to contract with you for preferred rates on professional services which gives you “buying power” similar to that of large insurance carriers.
How Does it Work?
You will be offered the opportunity to enroll in ChiroHealthUSA when you visit our office. The small membership fee is often saved on the very first visit. Enrollment constitutes a contract between you, ChiroHealthUSA and the doctors office. The contract allows you access to lower negotiated fees just like any other “in-network” patient. The difference is, ChiroHealthUSA owns the contract. Not some large insurance carrier or corporation that looks to control reimbursements, choice of doctor, or when you can receive treatment.
The ChiroHealthUSA membership covers you and your legal dependents for the annual fee of $49.00. You are eligible for the lower fees immediately upon payment and your membership cards will be issued within 24 hours of receipt. ChiroHealthUSA memberships are only available to individuals and their legal dependents and may not be transferred.
*ChiroHealthUSA are NOT Health Insurance Plans and Should Not Replace Current Health Insurance
The membership fee is only $49 / year.
It covers you, your spouse and children (age 26 and younger) and elderly parents (over age 60 ) living in the household. One active membership per family is required for the following discounted rates.
Initial Visit (Includes exam and first treatment) ………………………… $81.00
Normal rate $140.00 (You save $59.00)
Follow Up Visits (Treatment Only) …………………………………………………… $35.00
Normal rate $52.00 (You save $17.00)
Follow Up Visits (Treatment with Physical Therapy or Exercises) …………….… $45.00
Normal rate $72.00 (You save $27.00)
Full Spine X-Rays $75.00
Single area of the body $25.00